MTGS Journal
Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History
is our award-winning quarterly, with
articles of genealogical and historical interest. The Journal is
mailed to all MTGS members in good standing and is included in the
MTGS membership fee. Little-known Tennessee records are
published and indexed, along with family genealogies, Bible records
and material submitted by members.
Do you have articles that you would like to submit to our Journal? Contact our Editor, Chuck Sherrill, for more information.
MTGS Journal Writer's Award
Each year, MTGS gives a $100 Writer's Award to the best-judged article from the previous year's issues of the Journal. The speaker at our May meeting also serves as the judge for this Award.
Indexes to Articles Printed in The Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History, 1988 - 2022
The above links represent a listing of all articles printed in our award winning Journal through Spring 2022. Some of the article titles have been rearranged slightly for easy researching. First priority has been given to surnames by placing them at the beginning of the title; second in priority is county names. Census and series articles follow.
Back Issues of The Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History, 1988 - 2019
The links below are individual issues of the Journal from 1988 to 2019. The most-recent 5 years are accessible only in our Members area
Ways To Order Back Issues of the Journal
You can order back issues of the MTGS Journal in a variety of ways:
- Thirty-Two Years of Journals on USB
1987-2019, in PDF format, via PayPal
($28.50 PayPal price includes shipping)
- Thirty-Two Years of Journals on USB stick, 1987-2019, in PDF format, via check using our Order Form
- Full sets or individual paper issues, 1987-present, via check using our Order Form
- Full sets or individual paper issues (1987-present), electronic (PDF) back issues, or the Journal USB stick (1987-2019) via PayPal invoice. Send us an email listing the items you're interested in and we will create a custom invoice and send it to you from PayPal.
We hope this will help our members in researching their ancestors! If you cannot locate your copy of our Journal, you can order another at this page. You will need to note the Vol. No. AND Issue No. while you are perusing our pages.
MTGS Journal Policy and Information
Members of the Society are encouragaed to submit unpublished primary source material of Middle Tennessee genealogical and historical importance to be considered for inclusion in the Journal. Data can be in the form of transcribed records, "how-to" articles of broad interest, or historical facts. Family histories that are well documented and pertain to the region will also be considered. Photographs and other illustrations can accompany the article and are encouraged. Sources used should be cited in the submitted material. References or footnotes should be in the form of end notes and placed at the end of the articles. Material should be limited to a published length of approximately five typeset pages.
Materials should be submitted electronically, and most file formats can be accommodated. Original documents should be transcribed by the submitter. Include your name, address, and phone number or e-mail address on the manuscript. The right to edit material for presentation, grammar, length and form is reserved by the Editor, and all material submitted becomes the property of the Society.
Citations are a necessary part of each submitted article. The Journal follows the citation formats of Chicago Manual of Style and Evidence! Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian, by Elizabeth Shown Mills (Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1997).
Journal Submissions: Journal articles are to be sent directly to Charles Sherrill, Editor, 401 Bowling Ave., #11, Nashville, TN 37205, or via e-mail to It is important that the instructions contained herein are read prior to submitting an article. Do not submit Journal submissions to the MTGS post office box address.
It is the submitter's responsibility to secure permission from any person or company who may own the original record or publication rights. The Society or Editor cannot assume responsibility for errors of fact or infringement of copyrights by contributors. The opinions expressed in the Journal are of the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Society or the editorial staff.
Queries: Submit queries to: MTGS Queries, P. O. Box 682263, Franklin, TN 37068-2263. Be short and concise. Capitalize, underline or highlight each surname used. Make sure your name and complete address are shown on the query sheet. Queries will be included in order of receipt as space permits.
Change of Address or Questions: Please send an email to Do not send Journal submissions to our post office box, but to the Journal Submissions address above.